Chatbox Rules:
Only English Language is allowed in the chatbox, no oter language is allowed. If you post other languages, no one will know what you are typing unless that person knows that language.
If you get caught posting other languages by the Chatbox Moderators, you will be banned from the chatbox for one, whole week. If you do it again, you'll be banned permanently.
2. Behaviour:
You must behave well during your chat with other members of the Forum at the chatbox. If you create an argument, say foul language, call other members' "names", you will be reported to the Chatbox Moderators and they will ban you permanently.
3. Text:
Short form is allowed in the Chatbox but you are encouraged by the Admins' that you don't use Short-forms (eg. brb, LOL, gr8 etc.) . Remember you can use short-forms but are encouraged that you don't use it.
4. When you have something else to do:
If you have something else important to do while there are members at the Chatbox, don't be shy and please tell the member/members at the Chatbox that you have to go do something else.
If you don't, you'll leave them wondering where you are and it'll remain a mystery.
5. Internet Connection:
Sometimes while you are chatting with your friends at the Chatbox, there'll be some Internet Problems. Please stay calm and take your time to get the Internet Connection straight.
For the members remaining there while the other member who was at the Chatbox had a Internet Connection problem, just wait for your buddy to come back.
If your buddy doesn't and you have to go, just type a short message to your buddy and ask him where he was on that day.
6. Text Colours:
Some members like to have text colours on their text while chatting in the Chatbox. You can use your chosen text colour except for bright colours like bright blue or yellow. As you never know, some members at the Chatbox don't like bright colours.
7. Capitals:
At the chatbox, you cannot post capitals (eg. HURRY UP, HI etc.) . If you have accidentaly pressed the "Caps Lock" button, please tell your buddy/buddies available in the chatbox that you are not shouting.
If you want your buddy to notice something, you can use Capitals but not unnessasarily.
Last note reminders for you and your friends at the Chatbox:
Have fun chatting in the Chatbox, remember that you can't argue or use Capitals.
Yours Trully,
WinxClub Team Administrators,
IsabelLim105 and beautyzaza